Pregnancy and Body Image

I shared my journey with The Bump about how this ever-changing body and acceptance has been a struggle during pregnancy for me. I've been quite private about keeping my two careers and identities separate during my doula work but during pregnancy, there was so much crossover with my model life that I couldn't help but share. I hope that this piece resonates with some of you and lets you know that you aren't alone and it's absolutely ok to not experience pure bliss all of pregnancy. 

---> Click HERE for the full story <--

Photography by Michelle Rose Sulcov Dress and Jacket from Ingrid and Isabel

Photography by Michelle Rose Sulcov

Dress and Jacket from Ingrid and Isabel

Gestational Diabetes Test Alternatives


Did you know that you don't have to drink the orange glucose drink for your gestational diabetes screening? I hear from many clients who tell me how unappealing the orange drink is. The test alone has the potential to bring anxiety and then they add this sugary, syrupy drink on top of that. 

Gestational diabetes (GD) screening typically happens between 24 and 28 weeks gestation. Your care provider may alert you ahead of time that you should not eat or drink for a period of time before the test. Once you 've had the sugar-laden beverage, your blood will be drawn about 30 minutes later and then tested for how well the body has processed the sugar.  

Why test for GD? For some people, diabetes can develop as a pregnancy symptom and resolve once pregnancy has ended. Gestational diabetes is often asymptomatic, meaning that you may not see or feel obvious signs of having developed diabetes. Diabetes in pregnancy can increase the risk of high birth weight babies (called macrosomia), jaundice, shoulder dystocia and preterm labor. Pre-eclampsia in the birthing person (high blood pressure) can also be an increased risk of GD. Pre-eclampsia symptoms can lead to more interventions such as induction of labor, the introduction of medications such as Magnesium, and Cesarean birth. Gestational diabetes typically resolves after birth. 

So back to the screening procedures. Many care providers and labs prefer the uniformity of the glucose drink but you do have choices. Some may be open to discussion about alternatives. I personally chose to drink 10 ounces of Welch's grape juice for my test. Others have used bananas, jelly beans, pancakes and orange juice. Doesn't that sound far more delicious than soybean oil and orange dye? 

As always, do your own research and speak with your care provider about what is the best choice for you and your baby. Because you always have choices!

Strength and Flow + Breastfeeding Basics


Join us Wednesday November 8th at 6pm for a fun workshop at FPC Soho. A 30 minute fun, pregnancy safe workout begins at 6pm followed by a 45 minute breastfeeding basics course. Learn the fundamentals of breastfeeding and have your questions answered by two doulas/ lactation counselors! Meet other expecting parents in a fun and supportive environment!


Sign up HERE at FPC NYC.

Mindfulness During Pregnancy

If you've been on social media, read a magazine, turned on the TV or just walked outside of your home in the last couple of years you probably have heard of the benefits of meditation and mindfulness practices. I live in NYC and just walking out of my apartment can be anxiety inducing with the noise, the crowds, the subway, and always running from one place to the next. Having a mindfulness practice in place allows me to keep my cool and remain calm. 

As a doula I often discuss visualizations and finding a way to go within to connect to yourself and with your baby. While scrolling through Instagram one day I discovered this wonderful website called Expectful. The site, and brand new app (!), has 10 and 20 minute guided meditations for all stages of pregnancy and into parenthood.  They have meditations for common topics that come up during pregnancy and even SLEEP! Who doesn't love that? 

Using a guided meditation app can help you to build your own meditation practice into your daily routine. I often find myself meditating on the subway, while sitting on a flight, and before going to bed. If 10 minutes seems like too much, just start with 1 minute. That's only 60 seconds! You have time for that. 

(Image credit:

(Image credit:

New Offering

Emilie and I have been busy this summer adding to our skills.  We are so excited to now offer lactation support with Emilie.  Emilie is passionate about (breast)feeding and helping families with lactation.  We know that breastfeeding can seem daunting.  It is probably one of the most common concerns that we hear from our birth clients.  Emilie can work with you prenatally to prepare you for what to expect, pumps and supplies and answer any questions you may have.  After baby arrives she works with families to establish a healthy latch for mom and baby, make suggestions, and troubleshoot anything that may not seem quite right.  Emilie is calm, confident and patient.  You will love working with her!  See more about Emilie at The Connected Birth

The Mighty Double Hip Squeeze

The Double Hip Squeeze is one of the secret tools of a doula.  During prenatal visits with clients I teach this move to partners and other birth attendants. As labor progresses, the position of the hands change as well to find the "sweet spot" where the pressure feels most effective to the laboring person. Learn this comfort technique, teach it to your partner.  Thank me later.