The Blocks Set from Lovevery
I first saw these lovely play kits on Instagram and was intrigued. I kept checking out the site and adding to my cart but never checking out. I just wasn’t sure if I needed to add yet another thing to the never-ending list of baby items cluttering my apartment. I had planned on being a minimalist parent and just a few months into parenthood that was a lost cause.
Then, one day I saw them at a friend’s apartment (pre-pandemic). They looked so beautiful. They were well made. And my son loved playing with it! (His favorite has been the ball drop). I was sold. I went home that day and subscribed.
Lovevery creates subscription play boxes for ages 0 months- 2 years old. We are HUGE fans in my household of the company and the products. I, like many of you, have spent countless hours reading and researching about developmentally appropriate toys for babies and toddlers. I am inspired by Montessori, Waldorf, Reggio Emilia, RIE, and other parenting approaches that encourage a baby’s natural abilities and creativity to develop. I aim to be as hands-off as I can, although I’ll admit that I am a VERY HANDS-ON parent and should back off more often ;)
Lovevery makes it simple. Subscribe to their play kits and they do all of the heavy lifting and research for you. Each play kit is developed for each 3-month block of development. The toys are thoughtful and beautiful. They incorporate natural wood and playful colors. I really appreciate the continuity between the toys, the books, and the fabrics used. My son loves the books and we read them pretty much every day. (A shout out to Max Turns 2 and Max and Nana Go To The Park). Another added bonus that I love about the kits is that it comes with a guide to show you how to introduce the toys, ways to engage with them as well as activities to do with items you already likely have on hand. The guide explains the development of the particular stage and ways to interact and encourage your child. Everything is broken down in an accessible way for both you and your kiddo. Because tired parents don’t have the bandwidth to keep researching every single thing.
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